Our latest Long Game for Peace initiative was a football tournament held in August. Again, a warm thank you to all the companies that participated.

With this tournament and the funds gathered, we supported NGO Volunteer Hundred in arranging a mental health camp in the Carpathians - a rehabilitation camp for the families with loss of the closest family members.
The loss of a close family member is a multifaceted trauma that has a devastating impact on all aspects of life. The camp gathered 13 women and 17 children to receive help and support.
During the eight days adult participants processed their loss through trauma therapy methods. Children received help to regain a sense of childhood, socialization and security and stabilize their condition through a structured daily routine and a rich variety of activities. The camp provided educational lectures, joint activities, individual sessions, answers to urgent questions and support.

Humanity, kindness and ability to live in the moment
Our colleagues, Mia and Timo, had a chance to visit the camp. With them they had Lego-packages gathered from our office staff, with personal notes for the children receiving them. Even though there was no common language, the connection with each person was very warm and genuine.

“It was wonderful to see how professionally the camp was organized. The recovery for these families is of course still in its early stages, but hopefully this camp gave the participants hope for the future and provided tools for healing. For me, perhaps the most touching part of the trip was once again witnessing and experiencing the humanity, kindness, ability to live in the moment, and care shown by the Ukrainians—things you might think would be forgotten amidst the horrors of war”, Mia Suortti, the manager of the LIWLIG Long Game for Peace, commented after returning to Finland.

The war in Ukraine has been ongoing for almost three years. LIWLIG Finland has already organized four Long Game for Peace -tournaments, the proceeds of which have been used 100% to deliver food, supplies, and therapy assistance to Ukraine. The Long Game is being played across the LIWLIG Group, with tournaments also organized in Norway and Sweden. Together, we have enabled aid deliveries with over €100 000. For delivering the aid, we collaborate with the Ukrainian NGO Volunteer Hundred. Learn how you can help: https://www.pitkapeli.fi/
Here you can read more about NGO Volunteer Hundred and support their work: https://volunteer100.org/
Photos: NGO Volunteer Hundred & Akifoto